Merch Store
Online Store,
Custom to Your Brand.
Online store, always open
Customize & pre-purchase inventory
Inventory stocked with Merch Storage
Shipped on-demand as needed

Benefits of Merch Store
Eliminate your office merch closet & get back to the important tasks
Streamline employee merch orders through a centralized online store
Stores are free to set up, custom designed to your brand & live within 24 hours
Available to your team 24/7, 365 & orders ship within 24 hours
Offer individual items or group multiple items together with Merch Bundles
Learn MoreBulk ship many items to a single address or individually ship items worldwide
Use Cases

Sales Reps:Arm your sales reps with Merch Bundles that can be shipped directly to prospects to help secure meetings or close deals.
Holiday Gifts:Make gifting easy by shipping employees, customers & vendors Merch Bundles.
Uniforms:Streamline employee uniform ordering through a centralized online store.
Office Managers / HR Department:Empower your Office Manager & HR Team to focus on the important tasks, not shipping merch.
New Employees:Welcome & impress new team members with branded merch, shipped directly to them within 24 hours.
Members Only:Offer password-protected products to customers or members of an organization.
Customer Appreciation:Easily show love for your customers by sending them merch anytime they place a new order.
School Spirit:Improve the ordering experience for students & parents to represent & celebrate their school.

Work with our professional design team to develop your brand offering.

Consult your account manager to curate a product offering uniquely catered to your audience.
Product Catalog
Products are manufactured & delivered to storage within 7-10 days of payment.

Once products are delivered & checked into storage, they are ready to be fulfilled.
Learn More
Merch Store live
Time to share the online store with your audience; we are ready for orders!

Fullfil & Ship
Products are picked, packed & shipped on-demand within 48 hours.
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Merch Store Pricing
Online Store
Free to set up, custom designed to your brand & live within 24 hours
Merch Storage
Individual Items: estimated $.25 per item
Merch Bundles: estimated $2.50 per bundle
Prices increase based on size
Pack & Ship
Individual Shipping: < 1 lb = $7.99, > 1 lb = $14.99
Bulk Shipping: Estimated $1 per lb
Prices increase with weight
Storage, fulfillment & shipping are billed monthly based on actual usage
Monitor real-time transactions, costs & credit balance via online dashboard
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of launching a Merch Store?
Creating a Merch Store is free, but you must cover the expenses of purchasing inventory, shipping, and warehousing for your products.
Who will be responsible for handling customer service?
Our customer service team USA based and available via email at You can expect a response Monday to Friday within 12-24 hours.
Are there any restrictions on the variety and quantity of products I can sell?
You can offer any product you store in our inventory through a Merch Store, and there is no limit to the number of products you can offer.
When will my order be shipped after I place it?
Once you've ordered, expect the package to ship within 1-2 business days.
How do I track my sales and inventory?
You will receive a real-time dashboard when you start your Merch Store. This dashboard will allow you to monitor and keep track of all orders, inventory, costs, and credits.
How much does warehousing cost?
On average, warehousing costs $.10 per product per month, based on size. The monthly bill is calculated from actual usage.